Include your name and phone number in the email. The Membership Chair will give you a password to access the Hike Schedule.
The Hike Schedule gives the description, leader and date of each hike, and the meeting place, departure time and car-pooling fees.
Complete a few of our scheduled hikes as a guest of the Club to "get acquainted" with the Club. The Hike Schedule mentions the difficulty of each hike.
To join a hike, you must contact the hike leader no later than the evening before the hike. If you later find that you are unable to hike that day, you must contact the hike leader to cancel.
Please be sure to match your level of ability with the hike you are signing up for. When you contact the hike leader, ask about the distance, elevation gain, and trail conditions. If you are a beginning hiker or unsure about what equipment you'll need, check our links or other hiking resources for information on hiking gear. At the very least, you should have sturdy boots, a daypack with adequate water and food, a rain shell and warm layers.
Please be considerate of carpool drivers and bring a relatively clean pair of shoes to change into after a hike so your dirty boots don't shed in the car. And don't forget a plastic bag for your dirty boots.
Now that you have experienced hiking with us, you are ready to begin the formal application process. You must notify the Membership Chair of your intentions to join the Club. You will receive a New Members Packet, which contains a variety of documents and forms including a Membership Application and Voluntary Waiver and Release of Liability. Both these forms should be filled out and returned to the Membership Chair as soon as possible.
The prospective member must complete at least six Wednesday/Saturday hikes within the next six months of applying. On the last of the qualifying hikes, the prospective member will co-lead. The prospective member should advise the Membership Chair about a week in advance of the hike they wish to co-lead so that arrangements can be made with the scheduled leader and because co-leading includes working with the leader to choose the hike, notify the Klahhane membership and sign up participants.
When you have finished the six qualifying hikes, send your Qualifying Hikes Form to the Membership Chair, and your dues and initiation fee (see below) to the Treasurer (address given in the "Qualifying Hikes Form). Once your fees are received, you are a member of the Club. The Membership Chair will introduce you at the next monthly club meeting.
Dues are currently $12 annually ($9 if you receive your newsletter via computer) with a one-time initiation fee of $13.